Pg 20 When Adam Arbogast applied for pension in 1832, he gave the following declaration: Adam Arbogast declaration: Nov 6, 1832, age 72; served in 1776 or 1777 as an Indian spy under Capt John McCoy & Joseph Gwinn and marched ----, marched to Warm Springs and with George Hull, Conrad Flesher, John Gum was ordered back by Col. Hugert and Col. McCreary to guard his own section (S: Chaulkley, Scotch-Irish Settlement in VA, II, p. 497)
18359Pg 497 Military Services:
24813Adam Arbogast's Declaration, Nov 6, 1832; Age 72; served in 1776 or 1777 as Indian spy under Capt John McCoy and Joseph Gwinn, and marched to West's Fort on the West Fork of Monongahela, thence down the river to Louther's Fort, thence down the river to Nutter's Fort, thence to Coonty's Fort; he volunteered, in 1778, under Capt John McCoy, Ensign Thomas Wright, as Indian spy; marched to Warm Springs, and with George Hull, Conrad Flesher, John Gum, was ordered back by Col Hugart and Col McCreary to guard his own section.