Suit, Jane Ann Not listed in the 1870 MD Census (Microfilm Prince George's County Library, Hyattsville, MD 23 Aug 2000)
Suit, Jane Ann Not listed in the 1880 MD Census Soundex (Microfilm Prince George's County Library, Hyattsville, MD 5 Jul 2000)
Suit, Jane Ann Not listed in the 1900 MD Census Soundex (Microfilm Prince George's County Library, Hyattsville, MD 14 Mar 2000)
Suit, Jane Ann Not listed in the 1910 MD Census St Mary's County (Microfilm Prince George's County Library, Hyattsville, MD 14 Mar 2000)
Jane Ann Suit Not listed in 1920 MD Census Soundex Could be Deceased?
Pg 526
11881 Suite, Jane d: 1868, Age 40 yrs; Info from AFR #1A PG, 16, All Faith Episcopal, St Mary’s Co, MD (Her?)