Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Same page as Benjamin, Thomas, James, John Suit 1790MDStM109(22of29)
29196I believe there was at least 2 Dent suit...maybe 3 one was the brother to thomas one is the son of thomas and then there was john dent(that was called Dent)....The one thing that may make it easier I noticed that one of the Thomas's would put of "Dent" on alot of things he signed. John dent is the son of Dent suit2 son of thomas. His brothers and sisters were Benjamin, Thomas, Eleanor and Sarah. There maybe more.
Pgs 71-82 Subscribers to the Oaths of Allegiance, St Mary’s Co, MD 1778: Dent Suit, Justice administered Oath: Henry G. Sothoron