Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Memobet 1765
Census1800, Prince George’s County, MD56272
Census1810, Prince George’s County, MD56271
1800MDPGNoTwp223 Two lines away from Clement Hill
102141798 Federal Direct Tax
10959 (Him?)
Pg 2058 Prince George’s County
No. of Particular List: 4
Names of Superintendent: Hill, Richard
Names of Owner: Hill,Richard
In What Hundred in the Assessment district situated: Patuxent Hundred
Whole Number of Slaves of All Ages: 1
Number of Slaves above the age of 12 and under the age of 50 years, subject to taxation: 1
Memobef 1794, bet 1755-1774?
Census1800, Prince George’s County, MD56274
Census1810, Prince George’s County, MD56273