Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
NameJames D. Yowaiski
CensusApr 1910, St Mary’s County, MD56202
Memo4th District, Gardiners Mill to Mechanicsville
1930MDStMChaptc16A/84 Dwg 254 Fam 255 Yowaiski, James, Son, M W 10, Single, Yes School, No Read/Write, B: MD, Father B: MD, Mother B: MD, None
12909 (Different James? Would be b: 1920 and not in the 1910 Census?)
Not isted with parents 1920MDSt4DChaptico2B/70 Road from Chaptico Bay E. to Morganza FM Dwg 32 Fam 32 Yowaiski, Frank