Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
NameJosiah S. W. Suit
Land Sold25 May 1835, Prince George’s County, MD19007
Memoto Nathaniel Suit for $500 tract of land “Wallingford Purchase” containing 100 ac
Census1840, Prince George’s County, MD54325
Memo1st & 2nd District
Land Purchasebef 1845, Prince George’s County, MD54326
MemoGrove Hurst, 151 1/4 ac, land purchased of Nathaniel Suit for $1379.89 to be paid to Elizabeth Ferrall Trustee
Residenceca 1850, Prince George’s County, MD54327
Memonow occupied by Landover Mall
Burialaft 23 Jul 1851, St Johns Episcopal Church Cemetery, Beltsville, Prince George’s County, MD54315
MemoProbate Record, File # 0188
1850MDPGBlad13(27of37) Thomas C. Mager 19 M, Teacher & George Crawford 44 M, None enumerated with him
9282 (Could George Crawford be his wife, Mary Ann Crawford’s brother?)
PG JBB4 0603 & PG JBB3 20
834 Oliver B Suit of PG to Josiah Suit (What relationship?)
PG WAJ2 0753
834 Mortgage 7 Jun 1881 Ella & Arthur Tolson of PG indebted to Samuel Taylor Suit for $100, promissory note due in 1 yr, real estate of late Josiah Suit, Grove Hurst, near Brightseat in Kent Distr, Lot 2, 33 ac recently sold to Ella Tolson (Josiah’s daughter Gabriella “Ella” Suit Tolson - Relationship to Samuel Taylor Suit?)
1Mary Ann Crawford
Memo1805? 1810?
Census1840, Prince George’s County, MD54316
Memo1st & 2nd District
Death3 Feb 1878, Prince George’s County, MD54304,54310
MemoKent District Residence
14309 1860MDPGBlad30of40
14308 On Same pg with William Suit 28 & family, and Nathan Suit 66 & family (What relationship?) (John Harvey? 14 M, James Philips 12 M also enumerated with her - any relationship?)
1870MDPGBladsbg33/58 Dwg 232 Fam 215 Suit, Ella A., 20 F W, B: MD (Same Dwelling as Mary A. Suit, but Fam of Scott, Benj. C & Catherine)
943,944 (Could this be Gabriella Helen? Right age!)