Memobef 1774
Census1800, St Mary’s County, MD53869
1790 St Mary’s MD Census (File:Genealogy Data/MD/St Mary’s Co/1790StMary’sMDCensus)
Pg 108, Ln 59 Hill Thomas 2M 16+, 2M <16, 2F & Hill Ignatius and Hill Richard on lines surrounding him)
Hill, Thomas, B: 175?, B: MD, Vol 79, Pg 519, Ref: Heads of fams. At the first U.S. census. Md. By U. S. Bureau of the Census. Washington, 1907. (189p.): 50, 70-1, 79, 85, 108 (File: Genealogy Data/Anc Plus/ Hill/Suit/ AncPlusHill/Suit AGBI)(American Genealogical-Biographical Index(AGBI))
Memobef 1774
Census1800, St Mary’s County, MD53870