NameThomas Williams
Memoabt 1715 - after named in his Grandfather’s will?
Memo100 ac Three Sisters, from Grandfather, Thomas Hillery Will
Land Purchase9 Sep 1741, Prince George’s County, MD50863
MemoLiber Y Pg 395 from Charles Neale & Mary of Charles Co for 70 L sterling, a tract of land containing 250 ac, part of land called “Three Sisters” lying in PG on head of Western Branch formerly by Thomas Hilleary decd
MemoWill, Liber 27, folio 140
MemoBef 7 Dec 1749
MemoWill Proved
OccupationJustice of the Peace Prince George’s County, MD51567
ReligionChurch Vestryman of Saint Barnabas’ Church of Queen Anne’s Parish, Prince George’s County, MD51568
Liber 27, folio 140; 17 Oct 1749 Williams, Thomas, PG Co: To grson Thomas Duckett, L 20 sterl from the sale of the mill
19771 (Which dau is his mother?)
Md Indexes Probate Records Colonia 1634-1777
10138 Name Date County
Image # 007223 Williams, Thomas 1749 PG Box 14 folder 17 Bonds
Image # 007229 Williams, Thomas 1750 Charles Inv Lib 1735-52 p 470 Inventories
Image # 007234 Williams, Thomas 1750 PG Liber 42 folio36 Inventories
Image # 007235 Williams, Thomas 1749/50 PG Box 16 folder 19 Inventories
Image # 007251 Williams, Thomas 1749 PG Liber 27 folio 140 Wills
Image # 007252 Williams, Thomas 1749 PG Box 7 folder 48 Wills
Pg 522: 1749 Williams, Thomas; Prince George’s Co; 27, 140