1790PGCensus (File: MD/1790PGCensus)
pg95 Ln20 Hillery John 1M 16+, 2M <16, 4F, 0 Others, 095
Thomas Sr. Hilleary & Eleanor Sprigg ch: v. John Hilleary
20901 (son of Eleanor Sprigg - 2nd wife?)
Pg 108 Ch of Thomas Hilleary, John married Ann Berry & moved to Frederick Co, where he purchased in 1770 Mt. Pleasant, fm Gov. Thomas S. Lee. They had 8 ch: Tilghman, Thomas, Perry, Rebecca, Betsy, Eleanor, Sallie, and John
47342 (Wife Ann Berry not Margaret King? (Monnette
47337 Pg 1092 says the John whom married Ann Perry was Thomas Hilleary Jr.’s son, not Thomas Hilleary Sr’s son?)
Pg 126 Eleanor Sprigg had issue: John Hilleary
47342 (son of Eleanor Sprigg - 2nd wife?)
Vol II Pg 695 Eleanor Sprigg & Thomas Hilleary, Issue: John Hilleary
18958 (son of Eleanor Sprigg - 2nd wife?)