1James B. Russell
Census1810, St Mary’s County, MD48416
Memowill dated; Liber EJM 1 Folio 290
Memoca 1817?
Will Filed9 Dec 1834, St Mary’s County, MD48430
MemoWill probated
Misc. Notes
C1722-9 Original Will: James Russell of St Mary’s Co MD dtd 20 Oct 1834; probated 9 Dec 1834
48432 (None of his children mentioned in his Will)
To niece Eleanor Russell
To brothers Charles Lewis Russell, William Russell
To wife Maria Russell, Executor
/s/ James Russell
9 Dec 1834: Paper purporting to be the Will of James Russell late of St Mary’ County, deceased, being produced in the Orphans Court for proof … George Thomas sworn … wrote on sick bed on the 20 Oct 1834 … in presence of this deponent and Miss Jane Mattingly - while in the act of putting on his spectacles in the presence of this deponent and Miss Jane Mattingly he was taken with a faintness and was obliged to lie down and then not in a State to execute the Will; he remained so until his death and never was after the faintness capable of executing the Will and died a short time afterwards.
Stephen Jones after being duly sworn … in open court, deposits and said that he was present on the 20 Oct 1834 when George Thomas read to James Russell a Will which contained the same bequests that appear in this paper that he acknowledged … that the said paper be recorded as the Last Will and Testament of James Russell late of St Mary’s County, deceased. Certified by E. J. Millard, Register of Wills for St Mary’s Co
Pgs 71-82 Subscribers to the Oaths of Allegiance, St Mary’s Co, MD 1778: James Russell, Justice administered Oath: Ignatius Fenwick
27610Pgs 83-92 St Mary’s Co MD Militia 1794: James Russell
27610p.231 Russell, James. Private, St Mary's Co Militia 1777 (Ref: M-212 Clements, S. Eugene and Wright, F. Edward. The MD Militia in the Revolutionary War (Silver Spring, MD: Family Line Publications, 1987) p.212). Took the Oath of Allegiance bef the Hon Ignatius Fenwick Jr. in St Mary's Co in 1778 (Ref: J-1146 Revolutionary War Military Collection, Manuscript MS.1146 (Baltimore: MD Historical Socy, Manuscript Division) p.1146, K-68 Carothers, Bettie. 9000 Men Who Took the Oath of Allegiance and Fidelity t MD During the Revolution (Lutherville, MD: Compiled by the Author, 1978, 2 volumes) p.68)
1810MDStMNoTwp229-30/120 James Rufsell, 1M 45+, 1F 45+
48433 (No children listed with them?)
Alienations and Transfers St Mary’s Co
12130 (Him?)
Pg 70 Fulcher, Philip & Wife; Deed to James Russell - One undivided sixth part of one undivided fifth part of all of the Estate of Joshua Graves; Mar 4, 1799; Folio 61
Pg 171 Russell, James & Wife; Deed to Denaca Nelson, Doe Parks Addition & Pt of the North Additon of Doe Park; Dec 11, 1792; Folio 32
Pg 197 Thompson, Arthur; Deed to James Russell, Thompsons Expense 112 1/2 a.; Rec Bet 11-18-1799 & 11-4-1800; Folio 70
MD Register of Wills
13761 (Him? 1817?)
Pg 132 (96 of 130) Mar 20, 1817, Russell, James, Liber JF 1, Will, Pg 15