Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
NameJacob Seybert Jr.
Memonow Highland County, VA
Census1820, Pendleton County, VA44738
Residence1848, Highland County, VA44751
MemoHouseholders on Map of County Surveyor, Straight Creek
Census1850, Highland County, VA44734
Memo25th District
Land Purchase3 Jul 1855, Pocahontas County, VA44752
MemoFrom his father, Jacob Seybert, land on the Greenbrier River
Land Purchase1 Sep 1859, Pocahontas County, WV44664
Memo3980 acres on the waters of the Little river, Land Ofc Grants No. 116, 1858-1860, p436 (Reel 182), Warrants 22759 & 22760
MemoStraight Creek
Tax List20 Oct 1865, Straight Creek, Highland County, VA44753
MemoGold Watch, Number in Abstract 272, Qty 1, Rate of Tax $1, Total $1.00
Will Filed8 Jul 1885, Highland County, VA44754,44755
MemoWill Dated
Memo74 yrs 10 mos 15 das Neuralgia of stomach?
Will FiledDec 1887, Highland County, VA44755
MemoWill probated
Misc. Notes
Pg 157 Jacob Seybert Will dtd 8 Jul 1885
daughter Sarah M. Hull, son-in-law John W. Hull
granddaughter, Mary Fleisher wife of Harris C. Fleisher (John W. Hull’s daughter and Jacob Seybert’s granddaughter - sic)
Isaac and Henry Seybert mentioned
Jacob H. Arbogast mentioned
James C. Fleisher & John W. Hull - Executors
Witnesses: Brion(sic) Fleisher, Charles F. Jones
1Catharine Fleisher
Memo1820 Pendleton Co? 1816 Pendleton Co?
Census1850, Highland County, VA44760
Memo25th District
MemoStraight Creek
Death6 Apr 1893, South Branch, Highland County, VA44770
Memo77 yrs of Brights Disease