Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
NameEleanor Nellie McElwain
MemoLinville Creek; Sep 1797?
BurialMackey Cemetery, Streator, LaSalle County, IL42087,42098
MemoLinville Creek Church of the Brethren, Broadway, Rockingham County, VA?
Misc. Notes
Update Jul 2006: Elinor Nellie McElwain abt 1778 Rockingham Co VA d/o Thomas George McElwain and Nancy Rector.
37699Eleanor McElwain married William Bailey as her second husband in 1793.
1Norton Gum
MemoAugusta County, VA? abt 1751 VA
Residenceaft 1748, Rockingham County, VA41574
MemoLinville; aft 1792?
BurialMackey Cemetery, Streator, LaSalle County, IL42087
OccupationConstable Rockingham Co., Va. 16 Nov 177342088,42089
Military Record: 118 days Lord Dunmore's War in 1774, Benjamin Harrison's Payroll
25708Norton Gum served in Lord Dunmore's War under the command of Capt. Benjamin Harrison, and also was sworn in by Isaac Lincoln as Constable of Rockingham Co. in 1783. Norton Gum died in 1789 at his homestead on Linville Creek in Rockingham Co., Va.
2421Norton Gum, b: abt 1748 served in last colonial war before the American Revolution (Lord Dunmore’s War) in a Rockingham Co unit under Capt Benjamin Harrison
42090Pg 330 Norton Gum’s names appears on the payroll of Capt Benjamin Harrison in 1774 in Lord Dunmore’s War
Pg 352 Jehu Gum is on the payroll of Capt. Benjamin Harrison in 1774, Lord Dunmore’s War, when Jehu had served in the company for 119 days. On the same payroll were his brothers: Abraham, Claypool and Norton.
Marr Memoabt 1774? abt 1776? abt 1787 VA? abt 1788 Rockingham County, VA? abt 1796?