Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
NameAbraham Gum
Birth1710, Duck Creek, Sussex County, DE41535,41537,41538,41539,41540,41541,35274,41547,41548,41549
MemoOwned Land
Deathaft 14 Sep 1748, Sussex County, DE41535,41536,41537,41538,41539,41540,41541,41551,41552,41553,41554,41555,41546
Memobef Mar 1749
Will FiledMar 1749, Sussex County, DE41556
Memoa report was filed by Hannah (Gum), Acc’t of Abram Gum, dec’d, 310 lbs, 3 sh, 1/2 pence
Will Filed21 Jul 1751, Sussex County, DE41557
MemoMary (4 Gum’s) husband, Edward Elliott petitioned the court setting forth that the estate of the dec’d (Abraham Gum) remained unsettled & therefore prayed the court would oblige the administrix,etc
1Hannah Conwell
Memoabt 1712? abt 1705?
DeathSussex County, DE41564
Marr Memo1727-1746? 1725?