1Adam Gum
Birthaft 1786, Pendleton County, VA39834,39857,39836,38598,39858,39839,39859,39860,39861,39862
Memoif before 1787 it was Augusta Co, VA? bef 1790? 1794?
Land Purchase7 Jul 1818, Pendleton County, VA39864,37640
Memofrom Jacob 4 Gum & wife Dorothy, his parents, 17 ac, part of 95 ac granted to Jacob 4 Gum Mar 12, 1789
Land Purchase7 Jul 1818, Pendleton County, VA37649,37632
Memofrom Jacob 4 Gum & wife Dorothy, his parents, 79 ac, part of patent to Jacob 4 Gum May 31, 1790
Land Purchase7 Jul 1818, Pendleton County, VA37650,37651
Memofrom Jacob 4 Gum & wife Dorothy, his parents, 188 ac on the NE side Crab Apple Bottom adjoining George Coles, Philip Wimer & Jacob 4 Gum, grant of 144 ac dated Jun 19, 1789
Census1820, Pendleton County, VA39858
Tax List1822, Pendleton County, VA39865
Memonow Highland Co
Land Purchase1823, Pendleton County, VA39866
Memo3 ac Crab Bottom, Book 4 pg 215
Census1830, Pendleton County, VA39839
MemoFranklin Town
Land Sold21 Nov 1835, Pendleton County, VA39867,39868
Memodeeded land on Crab Apple Bottom to George Colaw
Census1840, Pendleton County, VA39836
Residenceabt 1842, Pendleton County, VA39869,32491
MemoCrabbottom Valley, became Highland County, VA
Memo31 Dec? Will dated, William Cowlaw & George Nicholas to administer estate; Peter Gum was named as administrator?
MemoMar 1847?
Will Filed4 Feb 1847, Pendleton County, VA39872,39873
MemoWill proved
Hoffman in “Leaves” alleges that Mary Gum was not a child of Adam and Suzanna, Pg 40
18359 Pg 473
25870Pg 292 Gum. (B) Adam C-2 - 4. Mary - b. 1817 - m. John Gum
21729 (Mary dau of Adam?)
Mary Gum Not listed as a child of Adam Gum & Susanna Lantz
293621820VAPendleton34Bottom Adam Gum 2M <10, 1M 26-45, 4F <10, 1F 26-45
38346 (Who is Female <10?)
Not included in Pg 29 Sep 5, 1839 Heirs of Jacob4 Gum et al to Henry Gum (S: Pendleton Co Deed Bk XIV, p. 531)
18359Index to VA Estates 1800-1865
21764 (Him?)
Pg 216 Gum, Adam, Highland, Sale, 1856, Ref: IA1-266
Gum, Adam, Highland, Appraisal, 1856, Ref: IA1-265
Gum, Adam, Highland, Admin, 1857, Ref: RA-008