Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
NameIsaac Briscoe
Residenceabt 1800, Augusta County, VA40756
Memolater became Bath Co, later yet became Highland Co., VA
Census1810, Bath County, VA40761
Census1840, Bath County, VA40762
Census1850, Highland County, VA40755
BurialGreenhill Cemetery, Highland County, VA40753
Misc. Notes
Abstracts of Bath County VA Wills, Pg 44: p. 349 Inventory Abraham Gum Submitted Mar 21, 1806 by Wm Dinwiddie & Henry & Stuart Slaven...notes and accounts of Isaac Briscoe
1820VABathNoTwp85 Isaac Briscoe 2M <10, 1M 10-16, 1M 16-18, 2M 16-26, 1M 26-45, 2F <10, 1F 10-16, 1F 16-26, 1F 26-45, 4 Agriculture (Who is 2nd Male 16-26?)
1Priscilla Callahan
Census1810, Bath County, VA40751
Census1840, Bath County, VA40752
Census1850, Highland County, VA40741
BurialGreenhill Cemetery, Highland County, VA40753