Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
NameJoseph Bachman Crider
Birth12 Mar 1899, Calhoun County, SC38270,38271,38272,38273,38274,38275,38276,38277,38268
Census1900, Caw Caw, Orangeburg County, SC38278
MemoTownship East
Census1910, Caw Caw, Calhoun County, SC38279
Residence12 Sep 1918, Matthews, Calhoun County, SC38280
MemoRFD #3
Census1920, Caw Caw, Calhoun County, SC38281
Census1930, Caw Caw, Calhoun County, SC38282
MemoTownship East
Census1940, Caw Caw, Calhoun County, SC38283
MemoTownship 9-5
Residence16 Feb 1942, R.F.D. #2, St Matthews, Calhoun County, SC38284
Residence1945, 218 Williams, Columbia, Richland County, SC38261
Residence1948, 227 Heyward, Columbia, Richland County, SC38262
Residence1952, 227 Heyward, Columbia, Richland County, SC38263
Residence1954, 227 Heyward, Columbia, Richland County, SC38264
Residence1957, 227 Heyward, Columbia, Richland County, SC38265
Residence1958, 227 Heyward, Columbia, Richland County, SC38266
Residence1960, 227 Heyward, Columbia, Richland County, SC38267
Residence5 Mar 1962, 1122 Lee Circle, West Columbia, Richland County, SC38269
Memo75 yrs of prostate cancer; 1974?
EducationHighest Grade 7th38294
Soc. Sec. #247-12-564138295
SC Wills & Probate Records, Crider, Joseph 965-166 (only index)
US World War I Draft Registration Cards 1917-18
1177Serial # 761; Order # 624 Joe Backman Crider; Resid: RFD #3, St Matthews, Calhoun Co SC; Age 19; b: 1899; White; Native Born; Farming for A.B. Crider, Father, RFD # 3 St Matthews, Calhoun Co SC; Nearest Relative: A.B. Crider, RFD #3 St Matthews, Calhoun Co SC; Height: Short; Medium Build; Brown Eyes; Auburn Hair; No disability; /s/ W. F. Crim Jr., 12 Sep 1918; Local Board for Calhoun County, St Matthews, SC
US WW II Draft Cards Young Men 1940-1947
98Order # 10125 Ser # T609 Joe Backmon Crider
1Lila/Liley F. Rast
Census1920, Caw Caw, Calhoun County, SC38305
Census1930, St Matthews, Calhoun County, SC38297
MemoAmelia Township NW Part
Census1940, Caw Caw, Calhoun County, SC38306
MemoTownship 9-5
Residence16 Feb 1942, R.F.D. #2, St Matthews, Calhoun County, SC38299
Residence1945, 218 Williams, Columbia, Richland County, SC38261
Residence1948, 227 Heyward, Columbia, Richland County, SC38262
Residence1952, 227 Heyward, Columbia, Richland County, SC38263,38307
Residence1954, 227 Heyward, Columbia, Richland County, SC38264,38308
Residence1957, 227 Heyward, Columbia, Richland County, SC38265,38309
Residence1958, 227 Heyward, Columbia, Richland County, SC38266,38310
Residence1960, 227 Heyward, Columbia, Richland County, SC38267,38311
Death5 Mar 1962, Columbia Hospital, Columbia, Richland County, SC38312,38313
MemoAge 47; ovarian cancer; metesterial obstruction and pseudocarcinious carcinoma of ovary
Burial6 Mar 1962, Gethesemane Baptist Church, Gethesemane, Calhoun County, SC38314