Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Census1870, Warm Springs, Bath County, VA37400
Census1880, Warm Springs, Bath County, VA37405
Death2 Mar 1935, Warm Springs, Bath County, VA37406
MemoAt the home of her nephew, Dewey Cleek on Jackson River; partial stroke of paralysis
Burial4 Mar 1935, Stony Run Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Bath County, VA37407
MemoNext to her husband
Census1870, Highland County, VA37408
BurialSep 1925, Stony Run Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Bath County, VA37407
MemoBeside his wife
Misc. Notes
The News Leader (Staunton VA) 5 Mar 1935 Pg 2: Mrs Lillie C Stephenson d: 2 Mar 1935: survived by stepson, Bayard Stephenson
Chataigne’s VA Business Directory for 1888-1889, Bath County; Principal Farmers: Bolar: W. W. Stephenson, A F Stephenson (File: Genealogy Data, VA/WV, Bath CoVA, Bath Co VA BusDir)