Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Census1900, Highland County, VA31445
MemoBlue Grass
Census1920, Highland County, VA31448
MemoMonterey, Main or High Street
Liby VA 2/27/2005 Call No.27895 Author: Wade, Owen H., b: 1899, Title: Wade family genealogical notes Compiled in 1926, 1v. (13 p.) containing vital records (1722-1921) of the Wade family of Pocahontas County, (West) Virginia, descendants of John Wade (ca. 1722-1815) and his wife Sophia Howard (1727-1816). There is also data on the allied families of Chesnut, Gum, and Hiner, including obituaries of Bishop Walter C. Gum (ca. 1898 - 1969).