Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Birthca 1622
MD Wills & Probate Records 1635-1777
10139 Could not find Annas Burch
1Thomas Burch
Birthbef 18 Jun 1622, Rusholme, Manchester, Lancaster, England26823,26824,26825,26826,26827,26828,26819,26829
MemoWeymouth, Dorset County, England?
Memoassigned 50 acres of land in Maryland to John RICHARDSON, with Robert STAPLEFORD and Edward COOK-as witnesses.
Memo200 ac from Henry Hare of Calvert County:“Harefield” described as being in Talbot County. Actually located in Kent County.
Residence21 Nov 1665, Calvert County, MD26839
Land Soldaft 21 Nov 1665, Kent County, MD26805
Memobef 4 Aug 1719 sold to Elizabeth Benson, then heirship to Sarah wife of George Haddaway who sold it to William Harrison 4 Aug 1719
Memonot in Penrith parish register
MD Wills & Probate Records 1635-1777
10139 Could not find Thomas Burch
ChildrenAyles (<1646-<1646)
Grace (Twin) (<1660-<1662)