Misc. Notes
Birch, Burch Families of Great Britain & America Vol 1
20211 (children)
Pg 172 Richard Burch Marr: ? and had sons Walter, Richard & probably others
1790 Chas Co MD Census (File: MD/Charles Co MD/1790 Chas Co MD Census)
Burch, Richard, 1M 16+, 4M <16, 5F, 0 Slaves, of Oliver
MD State Archives Census Index: (one of these him?)
Burch, Richard, 1778, White, Charles County, Bryan Town Hundred; Source: X 3, p. 639 S1419-2-5483
Burch, Richard, 1778, White, Charles County, Bryan Town Hundred; Source: X 3, p. 639 S1419-2-5484
The other names listed: Alfred, etc. I have seen before, but cannot identify them. Possibly they were wards or grandchildren. I believe there were deceased sons of AOB. AOB's father, Justinian, had wards who were children of his brother, Richard Nevitt Burch. After Justinian's death in 1805, AOB took in these children as wards.