NameJoseph Gwin
Memoabt 1753?
Land Purchase21 Jun 1763, Calf Pasture, Augusta, VA24769,24770
Memo120 acres Joseph Gwin to his brother, Robert, part of 544 acres on Great River Calfpasture betw Moses McElvain’s& John Graham’s
Land Sold15 Jun 1770, Calf Pasture, Augusta, VA24770
Memo120 acres Robert Gwin to his brother, Joseph, part of 544 acres on Great Calf Pasture betw Moses McElvain & John Graham, conveyed by Robert Gwin, Jr., to said Joseph Gwin
Land Purchase14 Feb 177224804
Memofrom Robert Hall & Isabella
Residence1781, Augusta County, VA24795
Memolower Cow Pasture
Land Purchase17 May 1785, Calf Pasture, Augusta, VA24805,24806
Memo220 acres on Calf Pasture River from his father, Robert Gwin Sr. DB 24 P 83, cy fm Mike Gwinn
Land Purchase1809, Pendleton County, VA24807
Memo400 ac Calf Pasture, Book 2, pg 295
Land Sold25 Dec 1813, Calf Pasture, Augusta, VA24805,24806
Memo220 acres on Calf Pasture River
Land Sold25 Dec 1813, Calf Pasture, Augusta, VA24806
Memo120 acres on Calf Pasture River acquired in 1794
MemoWill dated 17 Sep 1817, Probated Oct 1817, Bath Co Will Bk2, p156
MemoHighland Co, VA? or Oct 1817? Gwin
Author: Patricia Viellenave ( Date: 18 Nov 1998 12:00 PM GMT
Surnames: GWIN
Classification: Query
In Reply to: death date by: Harry Montgomery
Abrtracts of the Wills and Inventories of Bath County, Virginia 1791-1842 by: Jean Randolph Bruns, page 83, #, pg. 156 has his will. Will was written Sept. 17, 1817 and probated in the October 1817 court.
This book is available for purchase from the Bath County, VA. Historical Society. There is a link to them from the Bath County, Virginia VAGenWeb site
Land Holdings in Highland County Around the Time of the Revolution
24812Gwin, Joseph: (1) 100-1781-Cowpasture-P. 1784 (100 acres, 1781 Patented 1784); (2) 83-1783-Cowpasture (83 acres, 1783, Survey)
25Dec1813:JosephGwin&Mary his wife,BathCo,sold toJamesGwinn AugustaCo,son said Joseph&Mary,parcel land where saidJames lives inAugustaCo on north side of Gr CalfpastureRiv,adj.AndrewPeck,WmCorbet&JosephGwinnJr,cont’g191ac more/less[AugustaDeedBk38,p316]
24716 (Joseph Gwin & Mary don’t have a son named James?)
Virginia's Share in the Military Movements of the Revolution
page 55
ARBOGAST, ADAM.--Pocahontas, Nov. 6, 1832. Born. 1760. Indian spy, 1776 or 1777. Drafted, and marched under Capt. John McCoy and
Lt. Joseph Gwin to West's fort on West Fork of Monogahela, then down the river to Lowther's Fort, then lower yet to Nutter's Fort, where he remained much of the three months, and finally to Coontie's Fort, where troops were called in consequence of the Indians killing a write woman while she was spreading hemp in a field. Volunteered, 1778, as Indian spy under same Captain, and marched to Warm Springs, whence he, together with George Hull, John Gum, and Conrad Fleisher, were ordered to Crabbottom to guard that locality, and there remained the rest of his time. At another time he marched from his home (now Highland), across Greenbrier River to head of Seneca in pursuit of Indians. Date not given (1781?). [p.55] (File: Ancestry Plus Gum 10/11/2002)
AUGUST 21, 1781.
(350) Thomas Hicklin recommended Captain of the Company he formerly commanded; James Bratton in room of Capt. Kinkead, resigned; Joseph Gwin as First Lieutenant in Capt. Hicklin's Company; Joseph Day as Ensign in Capt. Poage's Company. [Chalkley, vol 1, p.221]
24716Adam Arbogast's Declaration, November 6th, 1832: Age 72; served in 1776 or 1777 as Indian spy under Capt. John McCoy and Joseph Gwinn, and marched to West's Fort on the West Fork of Monongahela, thence down the river to Louther's Fort, thence down the river to Nutter's Fort, thence to Coonty's Fort...[Chalkley vol 2, p.496]
24716Pg 20 When Adam Arbogast applied for pension in 1832, he gave the following declaration: Adam Arbogast declaration: Nov 6, 1832, age 72; served in 1776 or 1777 as an Indian spy under Capt John McCoy & Joseph Gwinn and marched ----, marched to Warm Springs and with George Hull, Conrad Flesher, John Gum was ordered back by Col. Hugert and Col. McCreary to guard his own section (S: Chaulkley, Scotch-Irish Settlement in VA, II, p. 497)
18359Pg 497 Military Services:
24813Adam Arbogast's Declaration, Nov 6, 1832; Age 72; served in 1776 or 1777 as Indian spy under Capt John McCoy and Joseph Gwinn, and marched to West's Fort on the West Fork of Monongahela, thence down the river to Louther's Fort, thence down the river to Nutter's Fort, thence to Coonty's Fort; he volunteered, in 1778, under Capt John McCoy, Ensign Thomas Wright, as Indian spy; marched to Warm Springs, and with George Hull, Conrad Flesher, John Gum, was ordered back by Col Hugart and Col McCreary to guard his own section.