Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
NameWillis Kincaid 24277,24278,24279,24280,24281,24282,24283,24284,24285,24286,24287,24288,24289,24290,2365,2373,24291,24292
Birthabt 1812, Bath County, VA24293
Land Purchase1853, Bath County, VA24294
Residence2 May 1883, Bath County, VA24278
Residence2 May 1883, Pocahontas County, VA24295
MemoLand owned lying on the waters of Elk in Pocoahontas County WV
1Margaret T./Martha Rhea 24277,24278,24279,24281,24282,24283,24284,24285,24286,2373,24291,24292
Birthabt 1814, Bath County, VA24296
Residence2 May 1883, Bath County, VA24278
Marr MemoBy Alfred A Eskridge