1850 Louisa Co, VA - Pr Pg 440, Wr Pg 879, Ln 30, Dwg 1231, Fam 0 There is a Joel L. Walton, 54 Male, Farmer $2450.00; Wife Elizabeth, 55, Female, 2 others - Benjamin Walton 21 Asst Farmer & Mary E. Dabney 23
Not listed w/18(32of82)
23409, 1820VAAlbemarleNoTwp42
23339 Richmond Walton 1M 45+, 2F <10, 1F 10-16, 1F 45+
War of 1812 Service Records:
2008 Walton, Joel R., Cooke’s Detachment VA Militia, Inducted: Private, Discharged: Private
War of 1812 Service Record
2010Walton, Joel, Cocke’s Detachment, VA Militia, War of 1812, Private, Private
Walton, Joel, 6 Reg’t (Sharp’s), VA Militia, War of 1812, Private, Private
Final Payment Voucher
10798 (Him?)
Walton, Joel; Agency Payment: Richmond VA; Date of Act: 1832; Date of Payment: (act 6 Apr); Date of Death: 14 Apr 1840