Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Census1840, Albemarle County, VA23174
MotherSarah (ca1760->1823)
War of 1812 Service Record
2010Walton, Jesse R., 7 Reg’t (Gray’s), VA Militia, War of 1812, Private, Private
Not listed with parents (27of29) Thomson Walton 1M 16-26, 1M 45+, 1F 10-16, 1F 45+
22659,226601840VAAlbemarleFredericksvilleParish128 Jefse R. Walton 2M 15-20, 1M 50-60, 1F 20-30 1F 40-50
22860 (children not inputted)
Next line is Edward Walton 2M <5, 1M 20-30, 1F 20-30 (Could be his son?)
Memobet 1790-1800? father gave consent so assume she was under age
Census1840, Albemarle County, VA23176
Marriage9 May 1816, Albemarle County, VA23173,23177
Marr Memo6 May license; John Gibson, Minister