Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
Census1850, Charles County, MD15864
MemoAllen’s Fresh
Memo/1851? bef 1880 MD Land Record BGS 4 Pg 237
Pg271b Ln 16 Fam 937
15870 Swann, Philip & Davis, William, District: Allen’s Fresh (Enumerated w/Good, P. Asa) (Any relation?)
Census1850, Charles County, MD15871
MemoAllen’s Fresh
298 (Her son & family and her and other sons John & Edward? Who is Caroline St Clair?)
Dwg 265 Fm 265 Good, Thomas W, 29 M W, Farmer, $400 Personal, b: MD; Eliza E. 39 F W, Keeping House; Thomas W. 5 M W; George P. 4 M W; Francis M. 1 M W; Ellen 49 F W, at Home; (Her?); St Clair, Caroline 25 F W; Good, John 13 M W; Good, Edward 7 M W