Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
NameLawrence Matthew N. Hill
Birth7 Oct 1918, St Mary’s County, MD13452,13453,13444,13445,13454,13455,13456,13457,13458,13459,13460
MemoDistrict 5
Census1930, Washington, DC13461
Memo4th Precinct
Census1940, 1004 10th Street SE, Washington, DC13462
Residence18 Mar 1943, Washington, DC13463
MemoEnlisted in the Army at Ft Myer VA
Residenceca 2010, St Mary’s General Street Brook M1, Compton, St Mary’s County, MD13464
OccupationWarehouse Helper, Wholesale Grocery Company; Semiskilled chauffeurs and drivers, bus, taxi, truck, and tractor13468,13469
EducationHighest Grade: 7th13473
World War II Army Enlistment Records
5803Lawrence M. Hill; Level of Education: Grammar School; Marital Status: Married; b: 1918 MD; Residence, DC; World War II: Branch: Army; Enlistment Date: 18 Mar 1943; Army Branch: No branch assignment; Army Component: Selectees (Enlisted Men); Army Serial # 33737778; Enlistment Place: Ft Myer VA; Enlistment Term: Enlistment for the duration of the War or other emergency, plus six months, subject to the discretion of the President or otherwise according to law; Source of Army Person: Civil Life; Occ: Semiskilled chauffeurs and drivers, bus, taxi, truck, and tractor; Race: White; Source Information: Box # 0701, Film Reel # 1.218
1Maude Elizabeth Huntington
Birth20 Aug 1917, Benedict, Charles County, MD13423,13424,13425,13426,13427,13428,13429,13430
MemoDistrict 9, Patuxent, Hughesville to Pole in the Road
Residence1935, Charles County, MD13433
Census1940, 1004 10th Street SE, Washington, DC13434
Memowith her husband and father-in-law, William D. Hill
Death23 May 1998, Compton, St Mary's County, MD13435,13436,13358,13437,13438,13418,13419,13421,13422
Soc. Sec. #579-22-565813439
EducationHighest Grade: 12th13440