NamePalsar Boldas Cleek
Birthbef 1725, Rhineland, Palatinate, Germany3583,3584,3571,3573,3576,3585,3577,3578,3586,3587
Memoabt 1727 Germany? Alsace, Germany? abt 1746? 1731? Eleep, Germany-can’t find where this is?
Residence26 Sep 1732, Lancaster, PA231,232
Tax List1771, Botetourt County, VA3588
Memo1 Tithable
Tax List1772, Botetourt County, VA3589
Memo1 Tithable
Tax List1773, Botetourt County, VA3590
Memo1 Tithable
Tax List1774, Botetourt County, VA3591
Memo1 Tithable
Tax List1778, Rockbridge County, VA3592
Memo1 Tithable
Tax List1782, Rockbridge County, VA3594,3595
Memo1 Tithable, 2 Horses, 8 Cattle
Land Purchase17 Aug 1787, Rockbridge County, VA3596
Memo80 acres south side of James River in a Gap of the South Mountain, adjoining his own land
Tax List25 Apr 1789, Rockbridge County, VA3597
Land Sold5 Sep 1797, Arnold’s Valley, Rockbridge County, VA3598,3599
Memoto George Roads (Rockbridge County Deed Book C, pg 440)
Land Purchase24 Sep 1801, Botetourt County, VA3600,3593,3579
Memofrom Patton Anderson of Fayette County, KY (Botetourt County Deed Book 7, pg 700)
MemoWill Book B, pg 47
Deathaft 26 Sep 1803, Botetourt County, VA3605,3584,3567,3568,3606,3571,3572,3573,3574,3575,3576,3585,3578,3607
Memonow WV
Will FiledDec 1803, Botetourt County, VA3604
MemoWill probated
Misc. Notes
Pg 20 VA Tax Payers, 1782-87 (other than those published by the U. S. Census Bureau) by Augusta R. Rothergill and John Mark Naugle, lists the following: TaxPayer: Cleek, Palser; Poll: 1; County: Rockbridge
249Pg 121
249 Recorded in Botetourt Co, VA, Will Book B, page 47, is a will translated from the original will which was written in German which the compiler believes to be the will of Palser Cleek. It reads as follows:
In the name of God Amen Whereas I Boldas (or Palser?) Cleek now living in a low condition of health but perfect in mind and understanding Therefore calling to mind that it is appointed for all Men once to die I think it necessary and a great part of my duty to settle my world affairs with as much Justice as possible I can and to give and bestow my hole Estate as it pleaseth me. Iin the first place I recommend my Soul to God that gave it and my Body to the Earth to be Buryed in a christian manner by my Executor. In the next place I give and Bestow to Sophie my Beloved wife two Horse Beasts and Two cows and calfs with all my Houseing(sic) Furniture as her own to possess forever. Then to John Cleek my Son and Margaret Cleek and Christeanah Cleek my Daughters I give and Bestow the sum of five shillings each to be paid to them out of my Estate. Then to my son Jacob Cleek I give and Bestow one Horse Beast and two cow beasts and half of the Hogs and Sheep and my Daughter Elizabeth Cleek I give and Bestow the other part of the Hogs and Sheep and one young Mare also to Jacob my son I leave on Rifle Gun and my Plantation I leave to be rented for Eight years and the rent thereof to be yearly and Equally divided Between Jacob and Elizabeth my Son and Daughter then the Land to be Sold and the price equally divided between the sd Jacob and Elizabeth my Son and Daughter. Also I give and Bestow to my Grandson, John Cleeks oldest son one cow Beast a Heifer and I do appoint and constitute Cord (?) Brady Executor for me to Act for the Legatees in my stead and behalf. In Witness whereof I acknowledge this to be my last Will and Testament and have affixed my hand and Seal the 26th of September one thousand Eight Hundred and Three.
Teste: Boldas (or Palser?)
Archd Thomas Cleek (SEAL)
Frederick Michael
Recorded at the December Court 1803 in Botetourt Co, VA.
Virginia Land Office Patents and Grants: Grants 10, p. 526 Click, Palser 17 August 1787 Rockbridge County 7/11/2002 Rockbridge County, VA--Personal Property Taxes, 1783 (extracted from the original records in the Clerk of Circuit Court Office in Lexington, VA) Balser Cleek 1 free white male >21, 0 slaves >16, 0 slaves<16, 4 horses, 7 cows. 7/11/2002 Rockbridge County, Tithables of 1778. Palsor Cleek (along with Mathias and Jacob Cleek)