Cleek, Dunmore, Gum, Hill, Stephenson, Suit Family - Person Sheet
NameSamuel Crawford Cleek
Birth25 May 1825, Bath County, VA2862,2876,2866,2867,2877,2868,2870,2873,2878
Census1830, Bath County, VA2877
Memoleft the land of his birth to seek his fortune in the far west in the gold rush
Land Purchase1855, Warm Springs, Bath County, VA2882
Memo12 mi North of Warm Springs, VA on Route 220, Home (Picture), Will Book 6, pg 45
Land Purchase1 Sep 1873, Bath County, VA2883,2869
Memo656 acres prin on west side of Jackson River & adjd the lands of J. Cleek & others, Land Ofc Grants No118, 1860-1874,p714(Reel 184), Warrant made Mar ? 1856
Residence1877, Bath County, VA2884
Memo30 Nov?
Anst File#AFN:S7S0-V82868
Memo abt 1825? abt 1832?
Census1860, Bath County, VA2888
Death28 Jun 1917, Whitewater, TX2892,2866
MemoWhitewright, TX?