NameJacob Cleek
Birth1725, Rhine River, Germany2636,2637,2638,2639,2640,2641,2642,2643,2644,220,2645,2646,2647,2648,2649,2650,2651,2652,2653,2613,2654,2655,2656,2657,2658,2659
Memoabt 1724?
Tax List1771, Botetourt County, VA2665
Memo1 Tithable
Tax List1772, Botetourt County, VA2666
Memo1 Tithable
Tax List1773, Botetourt County, VA2667
Memo1 Tithable
Tax List1774, Botetourt County, VA2668
Memo1 Tithable
Tax List1778, Rockbridge County, VA2669
Memo1 Tithable
Land Purchase7 Dec 1779, Rockbridge County, VA2670
MemoAllowed 50a land for Serving as a Soldier under the Command of Col Byrd in the 2nd VA Regiment in the year 1760; & w/Reid Clk assigned to David Woods 8 Dec 1779; /s/ Jacob Cleek; witness John Gillmer
Tax List1782, Rockbridge County, VA2671,2672
Memo1 Tithable, 5 Horses, 18 Cattle
Tax List23 Apr 1789, Rockbridge County, VA2673
Residence1790, Augusta County, VA2612,2610
Memo120 ac on the south side of James River opposite the mouth of Cedar Creek to Jacob Barringer
Tax List24 Jul 1791, Bath County, VA2679
Memo1st District, 2 Titheables, 8 Horses
Residence1792, Hot Springs, Bath County, VA2680
MemoCleek Mill - Jacob’s Original Bath County Home - about 10 miles north of Hot Springs
Memo319 acres of land on Jackson River, Bath Co, VA from Alexander McFarland of Green County, NC by virture of a power of attorney from his father, Duncan McFarland, approximately 10 mi north of Warm Springs, VA on US Route 220
Tax List17 May 1792, Bath County, VA2682
Memo2nd District, 3 Titheables, 9 Horses
Tax List17 May 1793, Bath County, VA2683
Memo2nd District, 3 Titheables, 9 Horses
Tax List14 Apr 1794, Bath County, VA2684
Memo2nd District, 4 Titheables, 8 Horses
Tax List1795, Bath County, VA2685
Memo3 Titheables, 6 Horses
Tax List1796, Bath County, VA2686
Memo3 Titheables, 1 Slave, 6 Horses
Land Purchase5 May 1796, Bath County, VA2687
Memo50ac on both sides of Jacksons River adjoining his own & William Givins, Land Ofc Grant # 34, 1796, p 190 (Reel 100), Land Ofc Treas Warrant #1489, issued 23 Nov 1792
Tax List24 Jul 1798, Bath County, VA2688
Memo3 Titheables, 9 Horses
Tax List13 Jun 1799, Bath County, VA2689
Memo2 Titheables, 8 Horses
Tax List1800, Bath County, VA2690
Memo3 Titheables, 10 Horses
Land Purchase28 Jul 1800, Bath County, VA2691
Memo70 ac on both sides of Jacksons River adjoining Samuel Givins, Land Ofc Grant # 47, 1800-1801, p 45 (Reel 113), Land Ofc Treas Warrant #1714, issued 28 Nov 1795 assignee of John Berry
Tax List20 Mar 1801, Bath County, VA2692
Memo3 Titheables, 10 Horses
Land Purchasebef 1804, Warm Springs, Bath County, VA2693
Memo12 miles North of Warm Springs, Virginia, Bias Cleek Home, (Picture)
Census1810, Bath County, VA2694
Land Sold12 Jun 1810, Bath County, VA2495
MemoTo John Cleek of Bath Co VA, for 1£ for land in Bath Co on Jackson River joining George Cleek & Mathias Cleek bought of Alexander McFarland containing 100 ac
Land Sold12 Jun 1810, Bath County, VA2695
MemoTo Mathias Cleek of Bath Co VA for $100 land in Bath Co on East side of Jackson River part of patent 26 Jul 1765, 100 ac
Land Sold18 Jun 1810, Bath County, VA2496
MemoTo George Cleek of Bath Co VA for $1 for land in Bath Co on Jackson River bought of Alexander McFarland 20 Feb containing 100ac & another 2 Feb 1792, 119ac
Will Filed13 Dec 1812, Bath County, VA2696,2697,2615,2623,2698,2699,2700,2701,2702
MemoWill signed
Will Filed1813, Bath County, VA2703
MemoExecutor Bond
Death1 Jan 1813, Warm Springs, Bath County, VA2636,2704,2705,2706,2707,2708,2709,2710,2711,2712,2713,2714,2715,2716,2717,2718,2719,2720,2721,2722,2723,2724,2725,2726,2727
MemoIndian War, Byrd's Co, 2 VA Regt
Burialaft 1 Jan 1813, Jacob Cleek Cemetery, Warm Springs, Bath County, VA2728,2729,2730,2731,2732,2733,247,2734,2735
MemoHave Picture of Tombstone (Oct 1998)
Will Filed13 Jul 1813, Bath County, VA2615,2736,2475,2737,2738,2623,2698,2701,2739,2702
MemoWill probated Court
MemoInventory; 1803?
Misc. Notes
Pg 20
249 VA Tax Payers, 1782-87 (other than those published by the U. S. Census Bureau) by Augusta R. Rothergill and John Mark Naugle, lists the following: TaxPayer: Cleck, Jacob; Poll: 1; County: Rockbridge
Pg 23
249 The Jacob Cleek Family Bible was burned when William Henderson Cleek's residence on Knapp's Creek, Pocahontas Co, WV, was destroyed by fire in the 1890's.
Pg 23
249 Jacob Cleek's will was recorded in Will Book 2, page 9, Bath Co, VA at the July Court 1813. It reads as follows:
In the name of God Amen I Jacob Cleek of the County of Bath and State of VA Being Sick and weak in body but sound in mind considering the certanty Death and the uncertainty of the time thereof and being Desirous to settle my worldly affairs and thereby be better prepared to leave this world when it shall please God to call me hence do therefore make this my last will and Testament in the manner and form following that is to say First and priseble(?) I commit my Soul to God that gave it and my Body to the Earth to be decently Buried at the Discretion of my Executors hereafter mentioned and after my Debts funeral charges are paid I devise and bequeath as followeth – First I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Cristenah all my moveables as Bonds and cash after the payment of Debts and the Legacies hereafter mentioned. I also bequeath to my wife my part of the salt peter cave. I also give and bequeath to my sons Micah, John, Matthias two Dollars Each and I give and bequeath to my Daughters Rebeccah McGlaughlin, Peggy Pots and Eve Fuller two Dollars each. I also give and bequeath to my five grandsons that is to say John, Jacob, William, Henry, Isaac Hartman and William Hartman my son in law one Dollar Each. I also give and bequeath to my sons Petter (sic) and George four Hundred acres of land lying in the County of Kananay (sic) to be equally divided between them. My son George to pay twenty three Dollars the Half of the Costs of recovering said land and lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint my son Petter (sic) Cleek to be my sole Executor of this my last will and testament revoking and annulling all former wills by me heretofore made. Ratefying and confirming this and none other to be my last Will and Testament. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand affixed my seal this 13th day of December in the year of our Lord one Thousand eight Hundred and twelve. His
Signed sealed and published in Jacob (JC) Cleek (SEAL)
the presence of us mark
Robert Given John McGlaughlin
Samuel Given Samuel Given, Jr.
John Berry
Pg 19 Jacob (Cleek) was also prosperous, managed many acres of land, several securities and owning part of Salt Peter Cave (used for making gun powder).
2745Image1366of2375 No. 44646 Cleek Jacob; Rank Soldier Scout, Company: Col Byrd, VA Regt; d: 1825; Cleek Cem, Warm Springs VA; Soldier Indian War; Shipped to Geo W. Cleek, Hot Springs, Bath Co VA; Shipped 3 Nov 1930
Pg 22
249 Jacob Cleek served as a soldier in the French and Indian Wars and there is a government marker at his grave inscribed as follows: “Jacob Cleek, Byrd's Co. 2nd Va. Regt. Ind. War, 1725-1813”
Pg 23
249 List of the Colonial Soldiers of VA, H. J. Eckenrode, gives the following on page 29: “Cleek, Jacob, French and Indian Bounty Warrants, 1, 142.” VA Colonial Militia 1651-1776 by William Armstrong Crozier, gives the following on page 21: “Jacob Cleet(sic) soldier under command of Col. Byrd in 2d Va. Regt. In 1760, Rockbridge Co., Dec 7, 1779.”
Vol 31 No4 Land Office Warrants Image25of98 Pg 285 Jacob Cleek, Rockbridge Co 7 Dec 1779 Cert #399 Allowed 50a land for Serving as a Soldier under Command of Col Byrd in the 2nd VA Regiment in the yr 1760; & w/Reid Clk assigned to David Woods 8 Dec 1779; /s/ Jacob Cleek; witness John Gillmer
2746Cleek Cem02140.tif Birds Company 2nd VA Regiment IndianWar
2747BiasCleekHome02260.tif Bias(Tobias?) Cleek Home, Loc 12 miles north of Warm Springs on Rt 220, Date Built appox1804, 6. Historical Significance: Jacob Cleek was a member of Byrd's Company, Second VA Regiment, Indian War
Survey Report Cleek Cemetery #2, 1936 Nov 2, Historical Significance: Jacob Cleek seems to have come from Rockbridge. He died in 1813, and his sons were David, Josiah, John and Benjamin, Jacob Cleek, Byrds Company 2nd, Virginia Regiment Indian War.
2748Mathias & Jacob served in the French and Indian Wars. Jacob Cleek’s grave marker is inscribed “Byrd’s Co. 2nd Va. Regt. Ind. War 1725-1813.” Mathias finally settled in TN & Jacobs in Bath Co, VA
250Cleek, Jacob, F.I.B.W.: French and Indian Bounty Warrants. 2 manuscript volumes. Copied from the loose applications for land bounties in the Virginia land office. (In the Virginia Historical Society Library.), Vol 1, Pg 142 (Google Books, VA State Library, List of the Colonial Soldiers of VA, Special Report of the Department of Archives and History for 1913 by H. J. Eckenrode, Archivist, Richmond, Davis Bottom, Superintendent of Public Printing 1917, Index Only)
VA Colonial Militia, 1651-1776
251Pg 21 Land Bounty Certificates: Jacob Cleet (sic), soldier under command of Col. Byrd in 2d VA Regt in 1760. Rockbridge Co, 7 Dec 1779
Cleek, Jacob as a Soldier in the Late war in Col. Birds Regiment Assigned to David Woods 50 ac, Warrant 399
2749VA Colonial Soldiers
2750Pg 263 Bounty Land Applications: Rockbridge County: Jacob Cleet (sic) received 50 acres of land for serving as a soldier under Col. Byrd in the 2nd VA Regiment in 1760. 7 Dec 1779
Pg 281 Warrant for 50 acres issued to David Woods, assignee of Jacob Cleek.
Library of VA, Richmond, VA:
2751Cleek family genealogical notes. Cleek, George W., Accession No 31648, Record Ser. Genealogical notes collection; 31648. Publication Compiled in 1957. Quantity 3 leaves. Format Photocopies.
Summary Descendants of Jacob Cleek (1725-1813), who emigrated from Germany to Pennsylvania in 1732 and settled in Bath County, Virginia in 1790. Includes Jacob's will. 7/11/2002 Rockbridge County, VA--Personal Property Taxes, 1783 (extracted from the original records in the Clerk of Circuit Court Office in Lexington, VA) Jacob Cleek 1 free white male >21, 0 slaves >16, 0 slaves<16, 5 horses, 21 cows. 7/11/2002 Rockbridge County, Tithables of 1778. Jacob Cleek (along with Mathias and Palsor Cleek)
VA Genealogy Society Quarterly Series XXXI, Vol 4, Chapter 1 Nov 1993, Section Land Office Warrants: Jacob Cleek, Rockbridge Co, 7 Dec 1779, Cert.#399, ... allowed 50 Acres of Land for Serving as a Soldier under the Command of Col Byrd in the Second VA Regiment in the Year 1760; And Reid Clk Assigned to David Woods 8 Dec 1779; signed Jacob Cleek; (witness) John Gillmer. (Anc Plus Cleek 10/11/2002)
PERiodical Source Index: Jacob Cleek life story, 1700s, Virginia, Surname: Cleek, Vol 36, No. (2000), Periodical Title: Journal of the Alleghenies (Anc Plus Cleek 10/11/2002)
Cleek Cem02140.tif Cleek Cemetery No.2, Location 11 1/2 mi north Warm Springs, VA Route #220, Jacob Cleek seems to have come Rockbridge. He died in 1813, & his sons were David, Josiah, John & Benjamin, Jacob Cleek, Birds Company 2nd VA Regiment IndianWar (These are not the children which I have listed for him?)
2747 Jacob Cleek 400 Acres Kanawha, Land Ofc Treas Warrant #1742, made 23 Dec 1795 granted to Jacob Cleek afsignee of John Evans, .. parcel of land containing 400 acres by survey bearing date 22 Jul 1802 lying & being in Co of Kanawha and Daves's creek & it's branches joing the land patented to Thomas Upton & also joining a survey of 200 acres made for Reubin Slaughter (Same Jacob Cleek?)
2747 Jacob Cleek, 28 Jul 1800, Bath Co,VA, 70 acres on both sides of Jacksons River adjoining Samuel Givins. Source: Land Ofc Grants No47, 1800-1801, p45 (Reel 113) (Same Jacob Cleek?)
System No. 000737073
2747 Jacob Cleek, 5 May 1796, Bath Co,VA, 50 acres on both sides of Jacksons River joining his own & William Givens land, Source: Land Ofc Grants No 34, 1796, p 190 (Reel 100)
At a court held for Botetourt County the 12th of Apr 1774 (Case James Rentfroo agst John Vanbeber) jury Jacob Cleek (same Jacob Cleek?) (File:S 537, 538 Cleek; Summers, Lewis Preston, Annals of SW VA 1769-1800, Abingdon, VA, L. P. Summers, 1929, 1799 pgs, Pg 218)
Pg 66 (Pg 9) Beq grsons, John, Jacob, William, Henry & Isaac Hartman & son in law William Hartman $1 each
249,2752 (Who are William and Henry? One could be John’s son?)
Bk2,Pg67 ... to daus Rebeccah McGlaughlin, Peggy Pots & Eve Fuller $2 each; to grandsons John, Jacob, William, Henry & Isaac Hartman & son-in-law William Hartman $1 each
2017,2753 (Who are William and Henry?)
Annals of Bath County VA by Oren Frederic Morton, Staunton, VA 1917, FHL 975.587; 10 May 2010
Pg 191 Jacob Cleek seems to have come from Rockbridge. He died in 1813 and his sons were David, Josiah, John and Benjamin. No other family names mentioned. (His sons names are all wrong?)